
Infor­mation and disclosure in accor­dance with §5 (1) ECG, § 25 MedienG, § 63 GewO and § 14 UGB

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Job title: Technische Büros - Ingenieur­büros (Beratende Ingenieure), auf dem Gebiet des Maschi­nen­baues

Online dispute resolution: Consumers who are estab­lished in Austria or in another contracting state of the ODR Regulation have the possi­bility to resolve problems regarding the purchase of goods or services for a fee within the framework of online dispute resolution (according to OS, AStG). The European Commission provides a platform for this purpose: https://​ec​.europa​.eu/​c​o​n​sumers/odr

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Disclaimer: Despite careful control of the content, the website operator of this website accepts no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely respon­sible for their content. Should you never­theless become aware of outgoing links that refer to a website with illegal activity/information, we request that you inform us accord­ingly so that we can remove them immedi­ately in accor­dance with § 17 Para. 2 ECG.
The copyrights of third parties are observed by the operator of this website with the utmost care. Should you never­theless become aware of a copyright infringement, please inform us accord­ingly. As soon as we become aware of such infringe­ments, we will remove the content concerned immedi­ately.

Source: faires​Recht​.at

The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright.

The image rights belong to:

Reference project pictures:

• Marubeni Corpo­ration
• Siraj (1) Company
• Sembcorp Myingyan Power
• Company Limited
• Taweelah RO Desali­nation
• Company LLC

Various pictures:

• Pandora Pictures/
• nostal6ie/
• rlassman/
• momente/
• Song_about_summer/
• AustinArtist/
• rappensuncle/
• Ron and Patty Thomas/
• freepik/