Digital Twin Picture

Digital Twin - a virtual model precisely reflecting a physical object

Turn-key plant simulation models are among ENEXSA´s core compe­tencies. The Digital Twin is a virtual replica of the power plant that repre­sents the process across the entire range of operating condi­tions and in all possible combi­na­tions of the equipment.

Compre­hensive data inter­faces allow for various applications to accurately simulate, monitor or forecast perfor­mance at the level of the overall plant as well as individual equipment.

Icon Fuel

Fuel Demand Models

Fuel Demand Models represent contracted perfor­mance guarantees. While the contract typically includes a limited number of guaranteed points, the bonus-penalty calcu­la­tions for plant efficiency must be performed under every possible condition over the entire operating range of the power plant. This is accom­plished through a physics-based simulation model (Digital Twin) that includes sub-models of all major plant compo­nents which in detail reflect the respective perfor­mance guarantees.


Planning Models

Planning Models based on vendor guarantee data or measured 'as built' perfor­mance infor­mation enable the plant personnel to inves­tigate the effect of various condi­tions and settings. Through the Digital Twin accurate predictive studies based on scenarios of future operation can be performed. A well-trained neural net-based digital twin can produce the same key results as a thermo­dy­namic model, but is several orders of magnitude faster, effec­tively enabling advanced analysis and optimization technologies.


Data Recon­cil­i­ation Models

The process of data recon­cil­i­ation uses a thermo­dy­namic model of the plant and infor­mation on the quality of the individual plant sensors together with statis­tical analysis to create a set of heat balance data that comes closest to the measured raw data and at the same time complies with the balances of mass and energy. Plant opera­tions and mainte­nance teams benefit from reliable data and unbiased indicators of measurement quality.

From Flowsheet to TensorFlow - How ENEXSA enables first-principles models to serve in state-of-the-art Big Data applications

This webinar provides an intro­duction to the basic concepts of thermo­dy­namic process simulation and explains the necessity of heat balance analysis for conceptual design, off-design analysis and perfor­mance monitoring applications to maximise fuel efficiency. The appli­cation of a data validation model to generate a techni­cally sound and consistent data set for process monitoring and review of the plant instru­ments is also covered.

Key takeaway objec­tives:

Fair Play in Efficiency Guarantees - An Intro­duction to Fuel Demand Models

This webinar intro­duces the concept of and the key require­ments for a Fuel Demand Model (FDM) for independent power plants. The use of a detailed thermo­dy­namic model repre­senting the entire power plant process – a so-called Fuel Demand Model – has proven to be the best solution for calcu­lating guaranteed fuel efficiency in daily opera­tions.

Key takeaway objec­tives:

Portrait Dr. Josef Petek

"Historical data only covers a fraction of what the plant can do, whereas a good process model extends the prediction to the entire techni­cally possible operating range."

Dr. Josef Petek, Manager Commercial Opera­tions

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Digital Twin - The fast model

Physics-based modeling is the key to the correct repre­sen­tation of a power plant.

Digital Twin - Visual Opera­tions Support

A digital twin of your power plant shows you current cost of operation