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In our download section we provide you with inter­esting infor­mation and articles about our fields of activity, as well as our certifi­cates.


We attach great impor­tance to quality assurance and infor­mation security and regularly subject our certi­fi­ca­tions to external audits.

ISO 9001 - Quality Management

Compliance with ISO 9001 means that we have suitable processes in place to provide high-quality products and services.

ISO 27001 - Infor­mation Security Management

ISO 27001 covers the require­ments of a documented infor­mation security management system.

Papers and Brochures

Would you like to get to know our field of work better and read inter­esting articles? Download concen­trated knowledge for free.

Process Simulation - Data Validation

Model-based data recon­cil­i­ation generates consistent and reliable process infor­mation.

Process Simulation - Big Data

Machine learning produces the superfast digital twin of your power plant.

Process Simulation - Big Data Evalu­ation

How do you find out which investment will bring the biggest bang for the bug?

Data Validation - Visual Analytics

Plausible power plant data thanks to visual analytics.

Digital Twin - The fast model

Physics-based modelling is the key to the correct repre­sen­tation of a power plant.

Digital Twin - Visual Opera­tions Support

A digital twin of your power shows you current cost of operation.

EBSILON - Heat Pump Simulation

How to find the right heat pump system?

EBSILON - Future Energy Supply

The electricity demand of the world population will continue to grow. Clearly, the energy transition has to happen.

EBSILON - Simulation is the DNA for every project

Process simulation is key to every project. What must be considered in the simulation?

Process Simulation - Waste Incin­er­ation

Waste incin­er­ation has become a hot topic not only because of its environ­mental benefits.

PSS - Fuel Demand Model

Read why a detailed Fuel Demand Model is important for your business.

PSS - Settlement Systems

Long-term purchase agree­ments require flawless settlement systems.

Digital Twin - Machine Learning

If you want to make better and faster decisions, you should look into machine learning and digital twins.

EBSILON Library - Gas Turbine Flexi­bility

The EBSILON gas turbine library is the best way to see the perfor­mance capability of your GT. 

DPS - Data Processing Service

A user-friendly toolbox with functional modules to build complex processing for online data.