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EBSILON® Libraries -
Key to the analysis of combined heat and power plants.

ENEXSA contin­u­ously works with OEM of gas turbines and recip­ro­cating engines to maintain and enlarge one of the world's largest collec­tions of perfor­mance charac­ter­istics of gas turbines and recip­ro­cating engines.

Perfor­mance charac­ter­istics of a gas turbine or recip­ro­cating engine to be seamlessly integrated into a detailed plant model.

The user can perform in-depth thermo­dy­namic analysis of the overall plant benefiting from the features of EBSILON®Professional, such as:

ENEXSA works with gas turbine and gas engine manufac­turers to contin­ually expand the ENEXSA libraries and create a valuable and "living" source of gas turbine and recip­ro­cating engine perfor­mance data so that engineers worldwide can use reliable, first-hand data to analyze and improve CHP plants.


ENEXSA Gas Turbine Library

Get access to more than a thousand gas turbine perfor­mance curve sets.

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ENEXSA Engine Library

Get access to over 180 recip­ro­cating Engine perfor­mance curve sets.

ENEXSA Gas Turbine Library

The ENEXSA Gas Turbine Library is designed for the use within the EBSILON®Professional Component 106 "Gas Turbine (OEM GT)". The ENEXSA Gas Turbine Library covers the full range of indus­trial applications, from micro gas turbines to large H-class gas turbines. The perfor­mance data are supplied and approved by the respective OEM. Data updates are generated as soon as new models and/or perfor­mance updates become available.

The perfor­mance charac­ter­istics of the gas turbine have a large impact on the subse­quent HRSG and its steam cycle. Modern high-efficiency gas turbines also integrate with the water-steam cycle for fuel and/or air pre-heating, and in some cases the waste heat from the GT combustor and turbine are re-covered in the HRSG. The EBSILON model of the overall plant enables the user to evaluate these processes over the entire operating range of the plant based on the detailed off-design perfor­mance data supplied in the ENEXSA Gas Turbine Library.

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Ebsilon Library Mockup Tablet

Precision Tuning to Match OEM Data or Test Results

The Gas Turbine Library provides correction factors and offsets for power, heat rate, exhaust flow, exhaust temper­ature, cooling duties and injection flows in corre­lation to ambient and other operating condi­tions as well as part load operation. Up to 69 correction curves can be included in one data set for a specific GT model. The data are stored in tables that can be accessed in an easy-to-use and clear matrix of correction curves. The user can use the pre-configured and vendor approved curve sets provided by ENEXSA. It is also possible to create a new data set based on project-specific infor­mation from scratch or by copying and editing existing data sets.

Depending on the nature of the perfor­mance corre­lation, the correction Curves are one- or two-dimen­sional. Each Correction Curve can be displayed separately, and individual values of the secondary parameter can be selected or de-selected. The example shown here is a typical curve for heat rate vs. part load fraction, with ambient temper­ature as the secondary parameter.

ENEXSA Recip­ro­cating Engine Library

The ENEXSA Recip­ro­cating Engine Library is designed for the use within EBSILON®Professional Component 153 (Recip­ro­cating Engine). This component is designed to represent large gas or diesel engines with heat integration. The perfor­mance data are supplied and approved by the respective OEM.

The combi­nation of thermal perfor­mance data and detailed infor­mation about the control schemes for temper­ature and flow of the different cooling cycles within the gas engine is important for the simulation of a modern highly-integrated CHP plant. The engine model calcu­lates the load-dependent amount of available waste heats which can be optimally utilized in the connected systems. This approach also allows the user to produce an exact digital twin of the plant which is valid over the entire operating range.

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Ebsilon Library Mockup Tablet

Achieving Peak Efficiency: Advanced Heat Integration Strategies

In order to reach maximum fuel efficiency, modern engine-based CHP plants aim at maximum integration of the waste heat available from the engine. To describe the individual heat items available from the engine, up to six heat sources can be defined, and the utilization of this heat is controlled in four different heat rejection groups. Multiple options for control schemes for flow and temper­ature of the different cooling cycles allow for accurate repre­sen­tation of the energy released from the engine, not only in terms of duty, but also in terms of flow and temper­ature. The latter is important for the correct simulation of the heat utilization, since these parameters may become limiting under specific operating condi­tions.

The ENEXSA Recip­ro­cating Engine Library data sets describe power, heat consumption, exhaust temper­ature, exhaust flow and various heat sources (HT, LT, Oil, Jacket) with respective shift of heat as a function of temper­ature and load. The corre­la­tions are provided as two-dimen­sional matrices. The sample screen shot shows the corre­lation of exhaust temper­ature and engine load fraction with inlet temper­ature as the secondary parameter.

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Gas Turbine Library Overview

List of the included gas turbines in the ENEXSA gas turbine library.

Recip­ro­cating Engine Lib. Overview

List of the included gas recip­ro­cating engines in the ENEXSA engine library.

Gas Turbine Library - Flexi­bility is key

The EBSILON gas turbine library is the best way to see the perfor­mance capability of your GT.