About us

ENEXSA is a team of highly qualified engineers with long-term experience in the power industry who offer consulting services and software solutions for the design and optimi­sation of power plants.

We serve as a technical advisor to utilities, independent power producers, EPC contractors, and equipment manufac­turers, with main focus on devel­oping optimal process config­u­ra­tions to meet the targets for production capacity, efficiency, and relia­bility. Through its compre­hensive know-how in software devel­opment, ENEXSA is able to provide turnkey software systems for advanced applications supporting power plant opera­tions.

Your benefit from ENEXSA

Think of your expec­ta­tions when looking for profes­sional consul­tancy and customized software systems. You need optimal solutions quickly, with high compe­tence, and without re-work. The qualities of ENEXSA will be the corner­stone of your success.


Highest Quality

Highest quality in engineering can only be maintained by a continuous strive for improving knowledge and processes. ENEXSA operates a quality management system certified according to ISO 9001 : 2015 and lives a culture of permanent devel­opment, applying knowledge management and continuous training.


Maximum Synergies

Know-how without the capability to commu­nicate with others is at a high risk of failure. Reaching solutions with maximum synergies is funda­mental to achieving optimal results. ENEXSA has a proven track record in large inter­na­tional projects with multi-national cooper­ation, such as IWPP tenders in the Middle East.


Fast and Precise Analysis

Tools without know-how are useless. Know-how without tools is not efficient. The appli­cation of state-of-the-art software tools enables evalu­ating design ideas faster and more accurately, and precisely predicting complex scenarios of future plant operation allows making better investment decisions.

Management Team

Portrait Peter Pechtl

Peter Pechtl

Managing Director

Peter Pechtl is ENEXSA's principal consultant and chief technol­ogist for power plant engineering. He has more than 35 years of experience in energy systems research, thermo­dy­namic simulation and conceptual design of thermal power systems.

Portrait Martin Posch

Martin Posch

Manager R&D

Martin Posch combines an in-depth education and profes­sional experience in process engineering with many years of experience in simulation and software devel­opment. He is the author of ENEXSA's heat balance programs and numerous other software applications related to power plant engineering.

Portrait Josef Petek

Josef Petek

Manager Commercial Opera­tions

Throughout his career, Josef Petek has held a variety of positions around thermo­dy­namic simulation programs, from process engineering and product management to sales and marketing. At ENEXSA he is respon­sible for the commercial opera­tions of the company.

Portrait Peter Hartner

Peter Hartner

Manager Software Systems

Peter Hartner is a renowned expert in the field of settlement systems and fuel demand models for long-term power and water purchase agree­ments. Under his guidance, ENEXSA's software systems branch has become a leading provider for turn-key plant settlement systems in the Middle East, Northern Africa, and South-East Asia.

Portrait Martin Pölzl

Martin Pölzl

Manager Process Engineering

With more than 25 years of experience in the thermo­dy­namic simulation of thermal power plants for planning purposes, perfor­mance monitoring and opera­tional optimization, Martin Pölzl has a wealth of experience that makes him an essential component of ENEXSA's success.

Portrait Miguel Prokop

Miguel Prokop

Manager Software Engineering

Miguel Prokop is the mastermind behind numerous software devel­op­ments that set ENEXSA apart from the mainstream power industry. Thanks to his tools, ENEXSA is able to enrich the world of Big Data with accurate, reliable and correct data for power plants that are based on detailed simulation models.